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Under Water

Create incredible under water experiences in
3 quick steps.

It’s literally that simple!

Scuba Diving | Snorkeling

  • Create awesome and detailed tours:
    1. Create hourly Scuba Diving or Snorkeling trips.
    2. Categorize them with Trip Codes and individual names.
    3. Add details like Duration, Overview, Inclusions, Exclusion, Highlights, etc.
    4. Upload pictures.
  • Get the Pricing & Rates Right:
    • Create as many as variants you would like to offer.
    • Rate each variant differently with further individual rates for Adult, Child, Group, etc.
    • Create Custom Pax Type specific to your business. For example:
      • Charges for Scuba Diving with instructor/without instructor.
      • Charges for Snorkeling with your own equipment.
  • Dates & Timings:
  • Booking Forms:
    • Booking Forms help you get maximum information possible from customers, which will help you serve them even better.
    • Create custom fields and get any information you need. For Example : Weight or Height of each Guest, Health issues (if any), etc.
  • Extras:
    • Often Scuba Diving and Snorkeling Trips come with addons like Digital Underwater Cameras, Enriched Nitrox, etc. Add them as Extras and rate them separately. Making it easy for customer to select and they automatically reflect in the total amount.