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Software Engineer – Android

Technologies we ❤

Angular JSRedisRuby on RailsPostgreSQL Bootstrapandroid_robot_100Githaskell 

Most of our code is in Ruby on Rails, which exposes RESTful JSON APIs that the AngularJS frontend consumes. Data is stored in trusty ol’ PostgreSQL with lots of foreign-key constraints, check constraints, and what have you – we never, ever want to deal with bad data in the DB again! Redis is a caching layer for frequently used JSON APIs and might also be used as a message queue in the future (we need to decouple our, now, monolithic app). LessCSS & Bootsrap make CSS a breeze. What else? Haskell is on the way!

Roles & responsibilities:

You will be working closely with the founders in conceptualizing & developing our mobile products from scratch. This is the perfect oppottunity to have a huge impact on the mobile-product roadmap of a high-growth startup. What you build will be used by our customers to manage & operate their business on-the-go – right from the palm of their hands; something we’re very excited about enabling our customers to do.

About you:

  • 1-4 years of experience in native mobile app development. Android development is a definite plus.
  • Passionate about building efficient and lean mobile apps. Any lags, crashes, or bloat, will have a direct impact on their productivity of our customers and will almost immediately cause an impact to their business.
  • Ability to learn new technologies. Self-learner.
  • An eye for user-experience and good UI design.
  • Passionate about writing good, clean code that humans can understand and computers can execute
  • Bonus points for experience with server-side technologies, like Rails.

Salary: Competitive & directly linked to the outcomes you can deliver.

Apply now

To apply, send an email to careers@vacationlabs.com with:

  • the role/designation as the the subject line of the email
  • don’t forget to attached your up-to-date CV / resume
  • links to your LinkedIn profile; Github profile; Stackoverflow account; Behance portfolio; your personal blog; or whatever else you think will help us understand you better.
  • and yes, a short paragraph about why you’re excited about the role, Vacation Labs, & Goa, would be great!