Provide each trip with detailed information, like inclusions, exclusions, highlights etc.
Add disclaimers and T & C. Often Camping and Safari tours require very specific rules & regulations to be followed and understood by the customers. You can display the same at the time of booking itself.
Upload the best pictures of your nature trails.
Get the Pricing Right:
Price the trip according to the offerings, for example:
Charges for adult or child with/without Hiking or Trekking Gear.
For Camping – separate rates for people with/without their own tents.
Charges for Adult or Child separately.
Slab based pricing for group bookings.
Open multiple Time Slots:
Open Dates for your trips & create specific time slots for your hourly trips, depending on the availability of guides. You can list a morning slot or an evening slot or both, along with your varied pricing.
Custom Booking Forms:
Request your customers for detailed information while booking by creating custom fields in the Booking Form. For example: In Camping you can request for Height to help you choose a tent for the guest, which will be visible in your booking form.