How To Work With Travel Bloggers For More Traveller Attention

Customer Success Online Marketing February 13, 2018

Publicity is a great way of gaining popularity and visibility for your business. With the help of expert travel bloggers and their followers, you can achieve this instantly. It’s an art of marketing called influencer marketing and popularly used in the travel business. Collaborating with travel writers and bloggers is easy as long as you maintain an authentic image. It will even help get you greater traffic and engagement for your travel business online. 

In an interview with us, Amaze Tours founder, Leroy D’mello revealed the same. After being covered by a renowned travel blogger, his business leapt to new heights.

Here’s how you too can collaborate with travel bloggers and writers for maximum impact on your tour booking rate:

1. Connecting with writers and bloggers

Writers and bloggers who write about travel narrate their true experiences about what they see, where they go, who they meet and how it all influences them. A writer might contact you directly because they want to publish an article or blog post about/related to your tours, courses, hotel or even rental services. You may even reach out to writers and bloggers as part of your tour marketing strategy.

FOCUS ON – Assessing the right pool of writers to write about your business since their word can make or break your brand.

2. Choosing a media platform

Who does the writer write for? Is it a popular nationwide newspaper, a local magazine or a self-hosted responsive travel website? Do the publication’s followers match your target audience? Will the writer’s article help you reach your niche segment? Does the writer’s voice match your brand’s?

FOCUS ON – Discussing all this information with the writer beforehand to ensure that the content generates awareness for your brand.

3. Evaluating the ROI

Writers and bloggers will usually seek a discounted or complimentary experience of your business. You could provide them with free meals, discount coupons or even a free stay at your hotel in exchange for their article. Regulations may need writers to disclose when a piece written by them has been sponsored by the business so make sure you are aware of this.

FOCUS ON – Involving your writers in a way you would your guests. Give them the “real” experience so that they know what your brand is really like. This way, they can publicize your quality services honestly and you get your money’s worth.

4. Comparing an agency versus an individual writer

If you want to get a lot of media coverage it might serve you better to opt for a PR agency that specialises in the travel and tourism business. They can promote your business with different media outlets and handle all media requests. They could probably run your digital campaigns, manage online and print publications and work with bloggers as well as vloggers.

FOCUS ON – Your marketing objectives, based on this, you could choose to work with individual writers and bloggers or hire a PR agency.

Travel writers and bloggers can act as influencers and are in fact turning into brands themselves. To know more about how content works for in the tourism industry or how to promote your business, talk to a Vacation Labs expert. We facilitate the creation of responsive travel websites. And, we’d be happy to assist you with your travel content marketing queries.

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