Product Updates • April 18, 2018 • Rebecca
Now get bookings faster- Collect Forms AFTER the booking is made
Collecting booking information is important- it allows tour customisation, and is sometimes mandatory. In most situations, long booking forms are a turnoff for customers. With everyone looking to make a quick getaway, there’s no time to waste on lengthy forms.
Enter the Post Booking Form feature by Vacation Labs. This is a modified booking form built into our software.
What do Post Booking Forms do?
The Post Booking Form collects the mandatory tour information after the booking has been made. This allows travellers to submit limited information during booking itself, and the rest later when they have the time. Benefits for you:
This feature is available on request to all Vacation Labs users. Once activated, you will notice that the ‘Extra Booking Fields’ section of all your products have changed.
The updated booking form section is split into-
You can create booking forms and use them for any number of tours. Name your forms correctly, decide the minimum details you need (for example, name, email and contact number), and then select them under the section ‘During Booking’. Additional booking details required can be selected under ‘After Booking’.
The ‘Mandatory’ section prevents booking form submission if the selected field is not filled. The options under ‘Editable after booking’ allow customers to edit details in the post booking form.
The options ‘Booking form settings’ and ‘Pax form settings’ allow you to set up an email to send customers the post booking form. You can include form filling instructions, an email subject and a greeting message to the recipients.
This feature also allows ‘email triggers’. These automatically send the post booking form when a tour is confirmed, unconfirmed, pending confirmation or pending inquiry.
*Tip- when using this feature for multiple participants under one booking, make email a mandatory field. It will ensure all the participants receive your post booking form in an email.